ACT provides industry-leading industrial aircraft wheel parts cleaner systems. We recognize that by offering multiple technologies to achieve various levels of cleanliness, we can build systems for our customers to meet wide budgetary differences as well as low to high production demands. ACT’s F-Series processors are ideal for shops that need to clean and rinse or even blow-off and dry aircraft wheel mains and nose wheel halves, bearings, brakes, and hydraulic components.
Gross soils such as hydraulic fluid and grease don’t stand a chance against the high impingement delivered by properly positioned jets aimed at the targets (wheels, bearing, etc.) strategically held by an engineered fixture. By applying force, especially the dynamic power generated by ACT’s patent-pending Agi-Blast™ system, with heat and detergency, excellent results are achieved in short 10-minute or less cycles.
Our purpose-built aircraft wheel and bearing fixtures allow quick loading of wheel halves, which safely position them for optimum cleaning while protecting them from damage. There are no brushes or other direct mechanical scrubbing systems used in the process that can wear out and require periodic maintenance or damage the wheels. For those that want to move up to the next level, contact us to learn how our immersion processors can deliver the ultimate cleaning results.
You can count on ACT to deliver a realistic aircraft wheel cleaning system to meet your operational requirements with a highly desirable ROI. Many of our systems are on our GSA contract GS-07F-5505P. Contact us today and an ACT sales engineer will help determine the best system for your workload.